
The Power of a Food Critic Part 1

I try and stay as connected as I can to the New York Restaurant scene, in part because I have a tremendous interest in the food scene there and most importantly, a restaurant in New York has to be good, or it simply won’t last, so the competition is greater and by virtue, the product better. There are many resources I use, including my friends to stay hip and a growing number of websites including eGullet.com, eater.com and the restaurant section of New York Magazine. However, I always default to the New York Times for the latest reviews on the newest restaurants and more specifically to their food critic Frank Bruni for an always interesting read on the psychosis of a restaurants failing or burgeoning success.

One review recently peaked my interest, not so much for the content but for the reverberations of its findings. The restaurant was Kobe Club, a stylishly themed temple to the king of all cows. In it, Mr. Bruni deliberately critiques everything from the décor (2000 Razor sharp samurai swords hanging from the ceiling), to the oversized plate ware (leaving no room for anything else) and of course the food, which is summarized here:

“But more of the food was disappointing, sometimes even infuriating, be it a rubbery roasted pork chop, perhaps left too long in its brine; limp iceberg lettuce, propped up insufficiently by blue cheese; those mashed potatoes, gluey; or a crème brûlée in dire need of a crunchier hood.”

Ouch!!! The twists and turns do not stop there. The Kobe Club is owned by Jeffrey Chodorow, theme master behind China Grill and Asia de Cuba, both of which have stood the test of time and have been hugely successful in New York and elsewhere. He was also behind the now defunct Rocco’s, the eponymous restaurant of Chef Rocco DiSpirito and focus of reality show, The Restaurant. By the way, for all of you who have never seen “The Restaurant”, no worries as it was one of the worst productions in television history, Rocco got fired along with his meatball making grandmother and Mr.Chodorow quickly realized the restaurant was a complete failure, as was the show.

In any event, Mr. Chodorow in lieu of this rather petulant review, fired back with a full page ad a week later lamenting Mr. Bruni and the Times Editor for their findings, saying that the paper was insulting not only him but all of his employees that worked at the restaurant. I have attached the link here in case you were wondering what the full breadth of his diatribe was. Citing Mr. Bruni’s past as a correspondent in Italy focusing on politics, he went on to say that how could a critic for the New York Times, first not be a native New Yorker and second, have no past in the restaurant business. You can imagine the drama it has caused in New York and has sparked debate throughout the World Wide Web. The question: Does a food critic have the influence to single handedly determine whether a restaurant succeeds or fails? I have my thoughts, but welcome yours. Stay tuned for part two. Good Eating.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chef,

I noticed that you are interested in slow food and in the new york scene. I recently started a restaurant review website. Check it out if you have time. I would love to hear your thoughts. It is preliminary, and I'll be improving it over time. The address is nycslowfoodcritic.com.

Thanks, Jason

ChefTJM said...

Thanks for your interest in the site. I am a great fan of the NYC restaurant scene. Your have a really great site as well. Exposing people to the pleasures of great food and drink is something that cannot be underestimated. There truly is a difference in the way food tastes when it is grown with care and in natural accord with the environment. I look forward to reading more of your posts and keep up the good eating.

dwholcomb said...

can you give me a good recipe/instructions for making spaghetti carbonara?
